Photo réseau - Saint Martin


Discover the Setram network

Setram is Le Mans Métropole’s public transport network. Tram and bus services link the 19 towns and villages that make up the agglomeration. A bike hire service is also available.

650 people work at Setram, 70% of employees are drivers. 

Network services

The network is comprised of several transport routes:

  • 2 tram lines: T1 and T2 - serving the towns of Le Mans and Coulaines
  • 1 bus rapid transport service (BRT): T3 Tempo - linking the towns of Le Mans and Allonnes
  • 25 regular bus services
  • 30 school bus services

And also:

  • an on-demand transport service (by booking only)
  • a flexible transport service on Friday and Saturday evenings (Flexo soirée)
  • a transport service for people with reduced mobility
  • 2 Park-and-Rides situated directly beside the tram line: Antarès and Université

Bike hire

Setram also provides a bike hire service. Bikes can be rented for 1 day, 1 month, 3 months or 1 year:

  • 600 electric bikes
  • 100 classic bikes
  • 25 folding bikes


Operating hours

The Setram network operates from :

  • 05:00 to 01:00 on weekdays, with a tram every 6 minutes between 07:00 and 21:00 (every 3 minutes between Saint Martin and Préfecture)
  • 06:00 to 01:00 on Sundays and public holidays, with a tram every 19 minutes (every 9 minutes between Saint Martin and Préfecture)

Services are adjusted to meet changes in demand throughout the year:

  • School year
  • School holidays
  • Saturday
  • Sunday and public holidays

Attention Please note that there is no service on 1st May.

You can consult services at the stop of your choice according to the period of travel.
Timetables are also available.


Using the network

Distributeur de titres

You must be in possession of a valid ticket or travel subscription to use the network.
Tickets can be purchased from your bus driver or from ticket machines situated at bus and Tempo stops (please note, tickets cannot be purchased on board the tramway or the Tempo BRT). For weekly, monthly or yearly subscriptions, visit the 'Espace mobilité’ to create your rechargeable Moovéa travel card. 

Signal to the driver that you wish to board the bus. Trams and Tempo services stop at every stop.


Board the bus using the front door and alight using the middle or back doors. All doors can be used for boarding and alighting on the tramway and Tempo BRT.

Remember to validate your ticket using the on-board ticket validators. Tickets must be validated each time you board a vehicle, including when transferring from one service to another.

Move towards the rear of the bus to allow other passengers to board.

Audio announcements and digital displays announce the next stop.

Press the red button to signal to the driver that you wish to get off.


Tickets and subscriptions

Magnetic paper tickets are available in single journey, two-trip or 10-trip versions. 

Travel subscriptions can be stored on a Moovéa travel card.


Moovéa travel card

The Moovéa travel card is free and can be created at the ‘Espace mobilité’. This personal, non-transferable pass is designed to store your travel subscriptions.

 Attention Your ticket or travel card must be validated each time you board a vehicle, including when transferring from one service to another. 


Respecting the rules

Our travel officers carry out regular random ticket checks. Passengers travelling without a valid ticket or travel subscription will be issued with a fine. 

Fines vary depending on the offence committed :

  • travelling without a ticket: €60
  • travelling without a valid ticket (expired, not validated, etc.): €45
  • antisocial behaviour (litter, feet on seats, etc.): €30
  • disruptive behaviour, with no impact on safety: €60
  • dangerous behaviour: €150


A €40 processing fee will be added to fines which are not paid on the spot, or which are paid after a given deadline.

 Click here to consult the full rules and regulations. 


Network accessibility

Setram strives to make using public transport easy for everyone, including wheelchair users, the blind or partially sighted, the deaf and the hard of hearing. Our goal is to make every step of your journey simple: from navigating our website, to buying a ticket and travelling on the network.

Our website is designed to be easy to read and all of our tram stops and some of our bus stops are wheelchair accessible. Some buses are also equipped with a ramp to make getting on and off easier. Vehicles are fitted with wheelchair spaces and priority seats.

Ticket machines are equipped with audio announcements as well as a ‘large print’ option.

Our TPMR (transport for people with reduced mobility) service is specially designed for wheelchair users and passengers with a disability level of 80% or more.

For more information, click here to view the SETRAM and LE MANS METROPOLE urban public transport network operating rules.

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